
Thursday, March 17, 2011

camp T-C


On the first day of camp we were playing and put up tents. After that we had lunch. Later on we did some activities . On Tuesday we did Rock- Up. My favourite parts were rock-climbing, dunking tank and archery. Then we went to the YMCA for a swim in the pool. Then we came back to camp for dinner and desert. For desert we had ice cream and fruit salad.

When we went to Swimarama, I went onto the diving board and did a bomb into the water. It was fun when I swam back up. We had relays in the pool. I came fourth in my race. My group was the Responsiblez.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I was at Tamaki College
for tech on Monday. As we were walking to class we walked in and my brothers favourite teacher when I looked at hem I said to hem do you know a boy called Joseph and he said yes and I was smiled at the teacher. When we sat down on the chers and staterd to work on the work

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kia ora tatou
Greetings to us all

Kua hui mai nei ki tenei kura
Who have gathered here to this school

Ki te ako i te reo Maori
To learn the Maori Language

Ka nui te hari mo to koutou maia
Great is the joy for your strength

ki te aromai ki te awhina i te reo Maori
to support the Maori Language

E pa ana ki tenei wananga
concerning this school of learning

Thursday, March 3, 2011


At the picnic i went to play T-ball
awere for an houer so that i can play for longnd i had to tall miss nua every time go some


Room 21 wanted to find out what was everyones favourite colour. We had to do a survey. Then we did a tally chart. Then we made a graph. This is my bar graph.

12 people liked blue , 5 people liked red , 3 people liked purple, 2 people liked black , 4 people liked green, 1person liked violet, 1 person liked turquoise and 1 person liked pink.

Blue was the most popular colour and the least popular colour was violet.